• Dine ben og fødder

    Vinterklar – ben og fødder

    Legs and feet There is so much to do legs and feet ready for summer. But there are many who forget that winter also require attention around the feet and legs. One should make sure that your feet do not get too stuffy, go in the right footwear and make sure that your feet get air. You have to care for her legs, so they appear neat when winter clothes are removed. That girlfriend probably appreciate. In addition, you get a lot of confidence given to us by care legs and feet. Leg Although it is autumn and winter requires legs still your attention. They need to be nurtured, like…

  • Dine ben og fødder

    Vil du undgå neglesvamp?

    Drawing nail fungus Some people suffer from nail fungus , and have big problems with it, it is a growing problem among the Danes, it is often caused by the Danes are too poor to keep their feet clean. This results in that you get nail fungus, which is a battle of garden and hard to get rid of.   Prepare your hygiene There are many good articles about how to prepare your hygiene , but there are also ten good and simple advice on how they are kept clean. Here I will list the ten councils. Keep an eye on your feet wash and dry your feet – including…