Mit madunivers

  • Mit madunivers

    Ulemper eller fordele ved 5 2 kuren ?

    5 2 Cure Basically, there is talk about a cure, the fasting two days a week. It is quite logical that when you are fasting two days a week, you get fewer calories during the week. This may well explain why people on the cure losing weight. In addition there is the general fact that people often lose liquid at the start of a cure and this can be masquerading as a fat weight loss. But there is published a book on the topic and you are curious, you can even examine it more closely. The book is called 5: 2 the cure. Pitfalls in 5 2 Cure There may…

  • Mit madunivers

    Shopping, cheesecake og godt velvære

    The other day I was out shopping, I quite often, and so I decided to relax with a piece of cake at a cafe. I threw myself into a cake which I would not really have cared for since I was a child. Cheesecake … But to my great surprise, I was actually quite favorably impressed. It tasted delicious.   even tried So when I got home I decided to try if I could make such a small treat. Now I’m usually not such a crazy ferment in a kitchen, but I found since a recipe on the Internet , and also managed to make my own cheesecake. It was…

  • Mit madunivers

    Stenalderkost opskrifter til dig

    Stone Age diet Stone Age Diet ( paleo diet ) is tasty and delicious. When eating Stone Age Diet, follow some simple rules and instructions. You are you need to read or learn about before you start the diet. Stone Age Diet gives you the opportunity to brand the food you from. People tell how the diet is good because you are not hungry right after eating. In addition, delicious ingredients. The Stone Age diet recipes must contain One can find many good Paleolithic diet recipes on the net,  but there are generally some special rules you need to follow: The diet must contain animals, fish, shellfish, nuts, grains, fruits…

  • Mit madunivers

    Bliv afgiftet og sund med en detox kur

    The title suggests that our body is filled with unhealthy toxins, which is not far from the truth. We stoppers us with all sorts of foods that contain too much sugar and fats, and in addition, we should also avoid heavy metals and artificial additives. In short, you almost do not eat or drink anything. So on that account sins we probably all to a greater or lesser degree. But we should take care of our life, so we get a healthier body and fitter body. This gives inner peace and joy of life and a longer life. But what should you do to achieve this? I have thoroughly put…

  • Mit madunivers

    Opskrifter til din buffet

    Ready meals It may be tempting to go out and buy a lot of prepared dishes for the buffet. However, it is both expensive and unhealthy. Then do not. When you have to make your buffet, it requires that you have some good recipes . Low-fat recipes There are various low-fat recipes on the internet. When you choose to make a low-fat buffet, you can easily use the basic idea from a regular buffet. For example, sour cream replaced with shunning. The sauces may be made without fat. Potatoes, rice and pasta can be replaced with salads. Butter and margarine are removed from the table. And then the most important…

  • Mit madunivers

    Blomster og mad

    flowers: Flowers are beautiful, and is looking to have to stand both outside and inside the bouquets, but did you know that many flowers are actually edible. Here you can see a list of some of the edible flowers. Edible flowers adorn the food and can make your guests quite impressed. Many flowers also delicious flavor to the food. Remember to check if the flowers are poisonous before you put them in the food. Lilacs Personally I even sucked the sweet juice out of lilacs, and I actually fell also across an article with a recipe for syrenis. Not only this ice cream is delicious, so is it also super…

  • Mit madunivers

    Tunmousse og guacamole

    tuna mousse: Tuna mousse is not only super delicious, but is also healthy because it contains fish. Joe & The Juice has somehow made tuna mousse into a kind modemad after their sandwiches “tunacado” and “spicy tuna” is on the menu (and contains tuna mousse ), in this known madkæde. Here you can see their menu, however, in English. But roam finally into Joe & The Juice and taste these delicious sandwiches (and juice), for it is super delicious and can be recommended. Tuna mousse can be eaten in many different ways. You can make tuna mousse on rye bread, or in a sandwich or on a piece of toasted…

  • Mit madunivers

    Kiks med på farten

    Is biscuits fashion? To ensure that I do not go sugar cold during shopping, I always have a packet of biscuits in my bag. It is perhaps a bit grandma-like and may not fit as well on the glamorous fashionista image, but rather be safe than sorry, right? Therefore, I have found some things that you carry in your bag, and quickly eat on the go. oatmeal Biscuits I have found a recipe for oatmeal biscuits on, see it here.  This one recipe is super good when one is on sale, for it takes really not many seconds to eat a few biscuits. They taste a little a la…

  • Mit madunivers

    Kringle og temaaften

    See how you can keep the theme evening with pretzel here First of all, tell your girlfriends that, to have a different evening, the need for keeping themed evening and have the old-fashioned clothes. Tell your friends that they need to take photo albums from your parents, youth, and ask them to take their parents’ old clothes too. Once you’ve mastered the theme, you must be in control of your pretzel. A homemade pretzel is best, so I will guide you through a recipe from below. What you need 50 g yeast 2 tbsp. lukewarm water 2 eggs 50 g sugar 1 pinch. salt 200 g butter 350 g…